Copyright photos : S. Defourny

Coll. JC Cornesse/M. CORNET
06 / 2016
Le projet consiste en la réalisation d’un studio (40m2) et d’un appartement en duplex (85m2) dans une ancienne dent creuse de la rue des Jonquilles (Cointe).
Conçu comme la prolongation d’un parcours débutant au pied de l’escalier de la rue des Jonquilles et se terminant sur une toiture-terrasse, il met l’habitant en contact permanent avec son lieu. Le projet s’est également façonné autour des contraintes fortes spécifiques au lieu : étroitesse de la parcelle (inférieure à 5 mètres), terrain en pente dans une rue en escalier orientation sud à rue.
Ces contraintes ont orienté les choix spatiaux mais aussi techniques en raison de la difficulté d’approvisionnement du chantier (matériaux légers et de petites dimensions, diminution des déblais au maximum…) largement réalisé à bras d’homme.
The project consists of a studio (40m2) and a duplex apartment (85m2) located in an old hollow tooth of a staircase street named Jonquilles. Conceived as the extension of a course starting at the foot of this street and ending on a roof terrace, it puts the inhabitant in permanent contact with its place. The project was also shaped around the strong constraints specific to the site : narrowness of the plot (less than 5 meters), sloping ground in a south-facing staircase street, difficulties in supplying the site. These constraints have guided the spatial but also technical choices : light and small materials, minimal excavation... all largely realized with man hands.
The facade is characterized by a set of sliding shutters (wooden slats), present on all floors. These shutters designed for climatic reasons allow the inhabitant to transform his daily relationship to the street. The main metal frame that divides the façade is part of the general typology of adjacent facades’ drawings (brick lines, general levels of templates, scale) and masks, in this apparent simplicity, interior spaces’ complexities.
The entire design offers a great deal of internal spatial diversity, multiple differentiated views of the environment, the possibility of transforming the relationship to the outside and many outdoor spaces of different qualities, thus meeting the multiple and varied needs of humans and families.